
Revealera is a New York based company that provides data and insights on hiring trends and trending products and skills across the globe.


Our Goal

Our mission is to provide the highest quality hiring data and insights across the breadth of public and private global companies.


Hiring Patterns

How many new openings did Twilio have this last quarter? What regions is Peloton hiring in the most? We can help!

Technology/Product Market Share

Are companies hiring more for AWS or Azure? How is MongoDB adoption doing? How many sign-ups for Slack this quarter? We can help you answer these questions.

Global Data + Private Companies Coverage

How is hiring in Europe relative to Asia? Which sector is Australia hiring the most? Is your favorite private company preparing to go public? Revealera has the answers!

Macro Data

In which sector has hiring picked up exponentially? Which industry is lagging behind in hiring? Revealera can help you with macro research!